Los conflictos entre agentes y destinatarios del sistema escolar en escuelas ...

Los conflictos entre agentes y destinatarios del sistema escolar en escuelas ...

Instituto de Ciencias

Los conflictos entre agentes y destinatarios del sistema escolar en escuelas publicas de barrios populares urbanos

The thesis aims to ethnographically address the conflict between agents and recipients of the school system in primary public schools of urban working class neighborhoods through a reconstruction of their reciprocal expectations as well as the assumptions that underlie them. From the description of some of the most frequent conflicts between the aforementioned actors, an attempt will be made to reconstruct the underlying logic. It will be shown that the daily school conflict takes the form of a succession of episodes that interrupt to recommence later and that rarely find resolution. It will be argued that this dynamic responds to a bracketing of authority-understood as consensual or legitimate domination-that results from the existence of a series of mechanisms that allow an actor to challenge or undermine the claims of legitimacy of another.

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