Entre viajes y fierros. Movilidad cotidiana y espacios de vida de usuarios de...

Entre viajes y fierros. Movilidad cotidiana y espacios de vida de usuarios de...

Instituto de Ciencias

Entre viajes y fierros. Movilidad cotidiana y espacios de vida de usuarios del ferrocarril de La Araucanía, Chile.

The research analyzed the daily mobility of railway users in La Araucanía region by exploring the living spaces and how these are supported through interurban mobility. This study allowed the characterization of varied mobility circuits, which represent the motivations related to working, educational, recreational and social care activities. We chose to deepen the analysis through dimensions such as daily life, accessibility and gender. In the first dimension, we analyzed the travel dynamics, frequented spaces and mobility practices of the research’s participants. In the second dimension, we identified barriers regarding the density level, routes and trip experiences of subjects whose living spaces showed poor connectivity regarding their daily life activities. Finally, in the third dimension, we analyzed the mobility experiences of women, including their role as mothers, workers and railway users in their daily lives overlapping productive and reproductive spaces. In summary, the research include varied analysis dimensions and act as current image of mobility practices in the south of Chile.

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