La producción trasnacional del Estado y la nación. La política cultural Boliv...

La producción trasnacional del Estado y la nación. La política cultural Boliv...

Instituto de Ciencias

La producción trasnacional del Estado y la nación. La política cultural Boliviana y los procesos de constitución de la "colectividad" en la ciudad de La Plata

After the opening of a Vice-Consulate of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in La Plata, Argentina, and -through the promotion of its officials- of different entities of civil society, in this thesis we ask about the production of capital state in transnational contexts, the dynamics of "diasporization" of the Bolivian population in the locality and the impact of these issues on the production of national imaginaries. We investigate in the relational space that constitute the local plot of migrant organizations and the Bolivian diplomatic agencies that intervene in the city, together with other state and civil actors of the Argentine Republic, focusing on the production of the consular offices. Using the perspective of transnational studies and the contributions of social studies of the State, we seek to place a series of questions that challenge the reflection on the social dynamics that transcend the borders and the modalities of construction of the relations between the State and the population starting from the migration

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