La relación Estado/movimiento indígena en Ecuador. Participación política y e...

La relación Estado/movimiento indígena en Ecuador. Participación política y e...

Instituto de Ciencias

La relación Estado/movimiento indígena en Ecuador. Participación política y electoral y administración de la justicia en tiempos de plurinacionalidad e interculturalidad.

This thesis analyzes the relationship between the Ecuadorian State and the indigenous movement in the last thirty years from two questions: How do local governments led by indigenous and non-indigenous people exercise power within a State that defines itself as plurinational and intercultural? and How do indigenous authorities and ordinary justice operators apply their respective justices in a country that constitutionally recognizes legal pluralism?

These questions are inscribed in the framework of the discussion of inequality based on both socioeconomic variables and cultural variables as legitimizing this situation, and in the debate of the tension between the permanence of the civic nation and the emergence of the multinational and intercultural nation

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