Apariciones y apariencias. Disputas virtuales entorno al genero, la "raza" y ...

Apariciones y apariencias. Disputas virtuales entorno al genero, la "raza" y ...

Instituto de Ciencias

Apariciones y apariencias. Disputas virtuales entorno al genero, la "raza" y la "clase".

The thesis deals with disputes in the public circulation of images. In terms of the concept of "hegemony", try to account for a common visual sense and the conflicts around it. In what way is visual culture in Argentina traversed by gender, "race" / ethnicity, class and other dimensions of difference and inequality? Is it possible to recognize racist, sexist, classist looks in the ways of showing the present and history? The game of characterizations, visualizations and concealments, hierarchies and biases organizes and orders relationships and social positions. While some actors seek to stabilize this game and, in this way, "naturalize" those relationships and positions with their differences and inequalities, other actors can respond or disregard these forms of visualization and concealment, destabilizing them by promoting others. Three main problems run through the work: a) that of concealment in the imagination of the community, b) that of intersections between the dimensions of difference and inequality, and their placement in image, c) that of social categories and the classification criteria and their relationship with images and visual representations

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