El proceso de institucionalizacion de los servicios de agua y saneamiento y s...

El proceso de institucionalizacion de los servicios de agua y saneamiento y s...

Instituto de Ciencias

El proceso de institucionalizacion de los servicios de agua y saneamiento y su trayectoria en la Provincia de Buenos Aires: La consolidacion de la fragmentacion institucional

The paper analyzes the process of institutionalization of water and sanitation services in the main jurisdiction of the country the Buenos Aires Province (BAP). It was priorizated a qualitative methodology, of an analysis of intrinsic case, which was selected by the multiplicity of actors who cohabit in the provision; the territorial inequality that characterized access to services; and the few records that has placed a glance at the provincial sectorial policy.
The narrative allows us to observe a process whose road map has led to the consolidation of three subsystems of provision cohabiting in this territory: one that has as a protagonist the provincial government; other the national state; and other, strongly fragmented, locally. The trajectory was marked by centralization, decentralization, re-centralization, privatization and re-nationalization processes.
The hypothesis proposes that the process of institutionalization of water and sanitation services in the PBA has been conditioned by the way in which policy instruments have been shaped and the coordination arrangements that have came about.

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