El terrorismo de Estado en noticias. Clarin ante la cuestion de los derechos ...

El terrorismo de Estado en noticias. Clarin ante la cuestion de los derechos ...

Instituto de Ciencias

El terrorismo de Estado en noticias. Clarin ante la cuestion de los derechos humanos (1975-1985)

The thesis analyzes the positions and the journalistic treatment of the Clarín newspaper to state violence between the end of the Peronist government, the last military dictatorship and the first years the return to democracy. In this sense, it propose, from a historical perspective, a systematic and comprehensive approach to the editorial position and the enunciation devices for address one of the most significant subjects of those years.
The specificity of this research is on the articulation of three elements: the chronological framework, which goes through democratic and de facto periods, the corpus of sources, which articulates the news discourses, photographs and editorials; and finally, a historical approach to the press that incorporates conceptual tools of other social sciences.
The thesis deals with a wide range of problems that allow to understand the representations elaborated in a historical sense, to construct a periodization that considers the continuities, changes, ruptures and new meanings in the evolution of the editorial positions; inquire about the conditions of production of journalistic discourses, to describe the available languages and formats; and to explore its changes over time; finally, to analyze how the mass communication media operated as a condition of possibility of state mass violence.

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