Escritura de mujeres: intimidad, militancia y terrorismo de estado en Argentina

Escritura de mujeres: intimidad, militancia y terrorismo de estado en Argentina

Instituto de Ciencias

Escritura de mujeres: intimidad, militancia y terrorismo de estado en Argentina

The object of study of this thesis is a series of narrations written by women who reconstruct the 1970s from different writing positions. The series includes testimonial stories sustained by the legitimacy that gives these women have been protagonists of what they narrate; and novels that recover the time from the creation of characters for whom political violence is a central event that marked and modified the course of their lives. Both in the testimonies and in the novels, the notion of experience is key to the understanding of discursive plots, since women constitute themselves as protagonists and witnesses of what they choose to narrate. Political violence is not only the context in which they live, but also the sphere over which they act; either with the intention of modifying it from the concrete action of the revolutionary militancy; either with the intention of revisiting it to make more complex the stories that, about that time, circulate in the public sphere.

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