Identidad profesional y management. Los rasgos identitarios de los periodista...

Identidad profesional y management. Los rasgos identitarios de los periodista...

Instituto de Ciencias

Identidad profesional y management. Los rasgos identitarios de los periodistas de la sala de redacción de lun diario nacional y el encuentro con la logica del management.

The present work refers to the encounter between the professional identity of journalists in the newsroom of a national newspaper and the logic of management. The journalists of the newspaper take concrete distance from the interests of management, they resist the logic of the market and the trade premiums over the same profession. They value the race towards the firm over the editorial career. They continue to prefer the paper diary. The form of opposition to management is visualized through initiatives of spirit of body and strong individualism. They apply doubt, suspicion and suspicion to their own management initiatives. They hold a view more of journalists than of "press workers", as a way of distancing them from a vision of "dependency relationship". Faced with the subjective universe of identities, the journalists of this newspaper adopt three generic positions: (1) balance / identification, by means of which they hold a positive position in front of management, as if the exercise of the profession did not have dysfunctions with the inclusion of managerial practices; (2) distance, which is a kind of neutral type, where the paths and paths of journalists go separately from managers, so that they do not oppose, but they do not contact each other; and (3) identity intrusion, which represents the seminal resistance, militant opposition to the logic of management.

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