La excepcion y la regla. Estado, partidos políticos y medidas prontas de segu...

La excepcion y la regla. Estado, partidos políticos y medidas prontas de segu...

Instituto de Ciencias

La excepcion y la regla. Estado, partidos políticos y medidas prontas de seguridad en uruguay (1946-1963)

This thesis aims to analize the use of "state of exception" by the Uruguayan political parties that held executive to resolve internal problems between 1946 and 1963. This analysis will focus on justifications that rules made when presenting specific problems as necessity situations. The proposal is to understand that as a political strategy aimed at maintaing social and political order order, and the reproduction of the features of the Uruguayan political system, dominated by the Colorado Party and National Party. So, the use of "state of exception" stipulated by the constitutional provisions for medidas prontas de seguridad will be considered as a means of strengthening the central role of these political parties in a symbolic and coercive way, and of reaffirming their superiority over any social group aiming to become representative of specific social interests outside entities controlled by these parties in political contexts crucial for their profile as rulers.

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