La praxis discursiva en el ejercito zapatista de liberación nacional de Mexic...

La praxis discursiva en el ejercito zapatista de liberación nacional de Mexic...

Instituto de Ciencias

La praxis discursiva en el ejercito zapatista de liberación nacional de Mexico. Un estudio sobre las seis declaraciones de la selva lacandona.

This thesis is questioned by the successive locations / displacements of the indigenous question in the discursive analysis of the Six Declarations of the Lacandon Jungle of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation of Mexico.

Its guiding thread consists in interpreting the different self-designations of the EZLN in the course of the six statements, and as in this naming action, the indigenous question pivots and interpellates the Nation-State constantly in its demands and claims.

I intend to show the limits of the construction of the "Zapatista us" and the tensions and ambivalences to reconcile the ethnic difference.

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