Manda esas cartas. Humor y sus lectores en un marco de cambio social autorita...

Manda esas cartas. Humor y sus lectores en un marco de cambio social autorita...

Instituto de Ciencias

Manda esas cartas. Humor y sus lectores en un marco de cambio social autoritario (1978-1980)

This thesis deals on initial period of Humor magazine, between 1978 and 1980. Its main focus is set on relation between Humor and her readers, thru its letters section. Our reserrch had the following goal: to reconstruct the history of the magazine and its context of birth, given the  links Humor established with professional spaces and other similar publications; to define its situation in face of cultural field; to describe the characteristics of letters sectioms in contemporary massive press; and, specifically, to analyze the case of "Quemáesas cartas", Humor own letter´s section; and finally, to put in discussion the usual perception of Humor as a part of media defined as "opponents" to argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983).

For this purpose, we chose a qualitative approach ,  based on contributions of sociology of culture. We wanted to explore links between text, contextual frame and society. The selected corpus relied in Humor magazine during period 1978-80, but also included many primary and secondary bibliography, both from academic and testimonial origins.

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