¡No mataras! La iglesia Catoilca y la disputa por la vida en el campo de la m...

¡No mataras! La iglesia Catoilca y la disputa por la vida en el campo de la m...

Instituto de Ciencias

¡No mataras! La iglesia Catoilca y la disputa por la vida en el campo de la memoria

The present doctorate thesis aims to analyze the political position of the Catholic Church regarding the recognition and extension of sexual and reproductive rights post democratic transition in Argentina. Considering different situations and scenarios of dispute regarding this subject, we analyze the ways in which the Catholic Church uses its defense of the right to life of the unborn from the activation of discursive memory of the dictatorship military (1976-1983). In this sense, research asks about the different forms assumed the presence and the antagonistic figure in its discourse regard to the definition and defense of life from the moment of conception, and its appeal to the scientific arguments of Catholic bioethics. The combination between a scientificist and bioethical discourse based on medical-legal knowledge about the defense of "life" and the activation of a political narrative of Human Rights, it is present in a proliferation of locutions and ecclesiastical messages and in the actions that pro-life Catholic groups display in the public sphere.

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