Representar. Habitar. Transitar. Una antropologia de la experiencia urbana en...

Representar. Habitar. Transitar. Una antropologia de la experiencia urbana en...

Instituto de Ciencias

Representar. Habitar. Transitar. Una antropologia de la experiencia urbana en la ciudad de la plata

This thesis reflects on the relationship between urban space in the city of La Plata and the representations and practices of different social actors in and about such space. This means exploring the place that occupies space as a condition of possibility and constraint of social experience, and the role of the experience on the social construction of urban space. We propose, therefore, make an anthropology of the "urban experience" in an intermediate city (La Plata) with a strong history of migration and in context of suburbanization, from the analysis of representations, narratives and urban practices in different and unequal social actors and institutional arrangements.

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