Campesinado y gestión de los conocimientos en Colombia en el período 2000-201...

Campesinado y gestión de los conocimientos en Colombia en el período 2000-201...

Instituto de Ciencias

Campesinado y gestión de los conocimientos en Colombia en el período 2000-2014. Debates y tensiones en torno a los bienes comunes y la regulación de los conocimientos tradicionales

The thesis addresses the debates and tensions around the management of peasant knowledge in Colombia, during the period 2000-2014, limiting the analysis to the collective action of the organization “National Agricultural Coordinator -CNA-. Inquire about the place of the peasantry and their knowledge in the regulatory frameworks; for the processes of construction of rules, recurring practices, possible interrelations and / or controversies between state and social stakeholders. It locates discussions in the context of negotiation and formulation of international and national legal instruments on: traditional knowledge, biodiversity conservation, genetic resources access and international trade. In this sense, knowledge management is part of a complex network of relations of valuation and / or devaluation of the peasantry, of the different cognitive and nature system. It shows disagreement regarding the development, rights and sustainability of life.

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